Group Nights are currently held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7.30 p.m. and take place at Theydon Bois Village Hall, CM16 7ER.

Find us: What3Words Google Maps

Most meetings can also be joined on-line using Zoom which you can access via the below link and is the same for each session.


Meeting ID: 840 2554 8565
Passcode: 909354

Upcoming events

August 2024 – No Meeting

10th September 2024 ‘Transmission & overtaking’ with Nicholas Fearn

8th October 2024 “On every corner” with Roy Tyzack BEM, former Metropolitan and Essex police.

12th November 2024 “Casualty – the Real Life Charlie Fairhead” with Gary Jones, CBE

Previous events

9th July 2024 Quiz Night & Summer Social

11th June 2024 Local landmark “The Copped Hall”, Epping, with Phillip McKinder

14th May 2024 “The Tidal Thames – Its Folklore and Traditions” with Mark Lewis

9th April 2024 AGM and in-house presentation – “A Hands on Approach to Smoothness”. AGM Documents can be downloaded here.

12th March 2024 Meet IAM RoadSmart Chief Examiner Richard Gladman.

13th February 2024 David Newall on his father Les’s wartime role as a bomber navigator and leading light in vehicle registration.

9th January 2024 7.30 p.m. at our new venue – Theydon Bois Village Hall, CM16 7ER “Seasonal Quiz Night”

12th December 2023  Group Christmas Dinner at The Bull, Theydon Bois (CM16 7HR).  Limited places.  E-mail (or tel. 07521 442236) to book your place.

14th November 2023 ‘Safety, System, Soothness and Sparkle’ by Paul Gillet, our Chief Observer. A refresher for some and a very useful insight for new associates.

10th October 2023  “The Essex & Herts Air Ambulance” with  Peter Hennessey.

12th September 2023  “Digital Forensics” with Chris Truran. Face to face and via Zoom.

11th July 2023  “Quiz Night” and Summer Social with Graham Fennell. Light refreshments. Face to face only.

13th June 2023 “Operation Aerial – Churchill’s Second Miracle of Delivery with journalist and author David Worsfold.  A previously untold story (

9th May 2023 “You’ve never had it so good” with Paul Robbins.  Following on from Paul’s presentation to the group last year, this is a wonderfully nostalgic look back at society, culture, news and music from the golden age that was the 1950’s.

11th April 2023 AGM (30 mins) followed by “From Met. to City Police, Coroner’s Office to First Aid” with David Leech, founder of Crusaider First Aid.
The agenda and all AGM related documents are here.

14th March 2023 “Observer/Associate Special” with IAM Examiner Tom Duggan.  Essential for all Associates and Observers – attendance in person please – this presentation was not available on Zoom.

14th February 2023 “Road Scenarios – interactive” (dinky toys provided) with Derek Leggetter

10th January 2023 Guide Dogs for the Blind presentation with volunteer Richard Webb, Guide Dog Puppy Fosterer.

8th November 2022 “The Eccentric British”, Paul Robbins (

11th October 2022 “The Routemaster Bus – A London Icon”, Nick Blurton

13th September 2022 “Preparing for the Advanced Driving Test” Tom Duggan, IAM Examiner, joined us us to give an overview of what is needed to prepare for and take the test. This will be of particular interest to potential and existing Associates but will also be a valuable update for all our Members. ** Video available here.

12th July 2022 Summer Social (light buffet included) “Diversionary Courses Part 2 – Drink Driving”, Margaret Houlihan.

14th June 2022“Preparing for the Advanced Driving Test” Chris Smith, IAM Examiner. An essential presentation for all Associates preparing to take the test and of interest to all Members.
Audio from this talk is available here.

12th April 2022 AGM at the Moby Dick, Romford, preceded by “Why have a Dash Cam?  Nextbase Insurance, Police Portal System and a technology update” with Elliott Blackburn.
You may download the AGM papers in this PDF document. (Contains the Agenda, last year’s Minutes, Chair’s Report  & Treasurer’s Report)

8th March 2022 “Cornering, hierarchy of cornering priorities, and advanced cornering techniques” with Nick Fearn.

8th February 2022 “An introduction to Electric Vehicles (EVs) for Drivers, Instructors & Observers” with Bob Saynor, Consultant with the Energy Saving Trust.
To see the presentation click here (PDF).

11th January 2022 “Diversionary Courses – Part 1. Speed Awareness” with Margaret Houlihan.

7th December 2021 Christmas Dinner at The Bull, Theydon Bois.

9th November 2021 “Behaviour Change Theory and why it’s Successful in a Road Safety Setting” with Iain Watson and Holly Jacobs, Senior Road Safety Officers (Education), Suffolk County Council.

For more information: (Senior Road Safety Officer (Education)) (Road Safety Officer)
Suffolk RoadSafe Website

12th October 2021 “Tax, Care & Toy Boys – 2021 update” with Norman Beauchamp (Co-Op Estate Planning).

14th September 2021 Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust – The Work of the Air Ambulance with EHAAT Volunteer Peter Hennessey.

10th August 2021 Pauline O’Connor – “Living with Mild Brain Injury”.  Difficulties of diagnoses and recovery from post-concussion syndrome and getting back on the road!

13th July 2021 Martin Diss, IAM Examiner.  “Preparing for your Advanced Driving Test”, good commentary and more.

8th June 2021  “Fraud & Scam Awareness” with  Penny Latham

13th April 2021  AGM followed by presentation “Ford Mobility – Vehicle Connectivity & FordPass” with Owen Mabbott

9th March 2021 “Crime Squad at Heathrow Airport” with Andy Lucker (former DC with Metroplotan Police & British Transport Police)

9th February 2021 “A Day in the Life of a Paramedic”, by real-life Paramedic, Eliya Ferguson

12th January 2021 “Advancement in Car Technology”, Chris Taylor, Ford Motor Company

8th December 2020 “Traffic Road Safety” by Graham Feest, Road Safety Consultant

10th November 2020 “London Air Ambulance” by Nigel Richardson, a volunteer and former patient of the service

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Selected recordings of previous meetings can be found here.